MIBAC QI participation 101:
understanding what it means to be a MIBAC participating chiropractor.
Benefits of participation
Have a seat at the table! As specialists in the care of low back pain, help shape the program’s future by sharing your clinical experience and insights.
Respect: MIBAC chiropractors set themselves apart by showing their commitment to evidence-based care. In MIBAC, chiropractors are subject-matter experts, informing every strategic decision made.
Visibility: We host a chiropractor directory on our website open to all participants. While this may seem like a small thing, this directory is shared with POs to pass on to their other healthcare providers to assist with making referrals to evidence-based chiropractors. View the chiropractor directory HERE.
Education: MIBAC is heavily invested in chiropractor education, including clinical vignettes (CE is available for purchase through the Michigan Association of Chiropractors following successful completion), keynote speakers on clinically relevant topics including treatment methods, nutrition, behavioral medicine.
Resources: The MIBAC clinical leadership team alongside our esteemed Executive Committee create and approve tools that are useful in practice, including exercise hand-outs, an after-visit summary, and an imaging algorithm. Currently, we are developing a tip-sheet for obtaining EHR access to view images and patient records. Click HERE to view some of our resources.
Value-Based Reimbursement (VBR): Eligible chiropractors can earn 2%, 3% or a total of 5% VBR, in addition to other VBR opportunities offered by BCBSM that are separate from MIBAC (see about: Michigan Data Collaborative for details).