Since 2021, MIBAC has been on a mission to:

Ensure patients with low back pain receive the best possible care.

Acute Back Pain is a Global Concern

When you think of serious, disabling health conditions, you probably don't think about back pain. However, back pain is a common condition that up to 80% of people in the U.S. will experience in their lifetime. In fact, it is the leading cause of disability globally.

-Hoy D, et al. (2014). Retrieved from:

Our Story

The Michigan Back Collaborative (MIBAC) will be ceasing participation activities in preparation for program closure on July 31, 2025.


Low back pain can be frustrating for both patients and clinicians. There is often no single cause for the pain that can be “fixed” with one simple approach to treatment. There can be unnecessary imaging studies and referrals, utilization of unproven therapies, overusing opioids, and dissatisfied patients who never get effective pain relief.

The Michigan Back Collaborative (MIBAC) is a statewide Collaborative Quality Initiative (CQI) with an initial focus on better care for low back pain within the first 6 months of an episode or acute flare of back pain. We are proud to partner with almost Chiropractors - both within Physician Organizations (POs) and independent practices. We also partner with 10 POs to support their chiropractic members. Our participants collect valuable Patient Reported Outcomes (PROs) for our registry database that will allow us to investigate interventions that correlate with the best patient outcomes. We hope to utilize claims-based data to further reinforce our analysis and spread those best practices across the collaborative. In addition to analyzing data, MIBAC works with our multidisciplinary leadership team and Executive Committee to provide current, evidence-based educational opportunities to our participating Chiropractors.

MIBAC is a population health Collaborative Quality Initiative supported by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan*. The Coordinating Center is housed at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, MI.

*Statement from Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue of Michigan

Support for the Michigan Back Collaborative (MIBAC) CQI is provided by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM) as part of the BCBSM Value Partnerships program. To learn more about Value Partnerships, visit The MIBAC Coordinating Center is housed at Henry Ford Health System. Although Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and MIBAC work collaboratively, the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the author do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of BCBSM or any of its employees.