Education built specifically by chiropractors for chiropractors

Two full seasons of MIBAC -sponsored QURE cases coming soon for participating chiropractors!

Season 1 of QURE (4 cases) will proceed as planned, from May 6th - July 3rd, 2025. Current participants will receive invitations directly from QURE on May 6th.

Season 2 of QURE (4 cases) has been moved up to June 17th - July 15th, 2025. Current participants will receive invitations directly from QURE on June 17th.

It is our belief that by evaluating practice patterns, following emerging research, communicating more effectively with patients by following a biopsychosocial approach, and sharing our knowledge throughout our great state, we can accomplish our goals.

The MIBAC Imaging Video

The Coordinating Center has developed an Imaging Video, aimed at providing Chiropractors with evidence-based resources on the history and current guidelines of imaging. The video spotlights an engaged MIBAC Chiropractor as they navigate simulated patient scenarios, guiding viewers through the utilization of the MIBAC ViewPath Imaging Decision Tree. It also demonstrates best practices for explaining whether or not imaging is necessary for the patient. We are very excited to be able to share this resource with you! Click here to view: VIEW VIDEO.

Click Here to learn more about the MIBAC ViewPath Imaging Decision Tree